Butterfly necklace - has morphs, low poly, Original by (thank you sm for your permission to upload it) can be found here x. Pat Ryder spoke to reporters during a Defense Department news briefing.Neon signs - Thank you so much for letting me share them, original can be found here x, I lowered the polycount, but they are still around 7-10k each.Stars decor lights - low poly, found in Lights, credit x.These powerful beings are enslaved and bound to a magical lamp, forced to do the bidding of their master. Pillows 13 swatches, low poly, credit x The Genie is the occult life state brought to The Sims 3 with the Showtime Expansion.Sending you a lot of kisses and loving hugs! I hope you have a truly wonderful day! 😗

Well i don have WinRAR and thats what you need does anyone know if they could upload a mattresss to the Sims 3 extchange :p Nysha. It’s a few conversions and some “hand-made” items from me for you and your pixel ladies 💜 I really hope you will like it! Thats awesome-sauce Thanks so much for such a cool find, Alan that bed would be perfect enough for my homeless Sims until an actual mattress might be done. I hope you enjoy playing it as much as I enjoyed building it. Please accept this little gift, it’s little but I promise it was made with love. Large Modern 4 Bedroom Home This is my second submission to TSR and took quite a long time to complete. I thought long what can I make for you, because I really wanted to make you something special. One 4 22 4x4 Dean Duplex One 6x10 - inch Armington & Sims. I love you so much, I wish you all the happiness in the world, good health, big love, good friends, huge amount of presents and of course a lot of inspiration for real life and your simblr life too and for your amazing upcoming story! You’re my (and I believe many other people’s) big inspiration, we all love you! Okay too much english already, all my other wishes will be private :D and now let’s move to part 2. Steel Roofings and Sidings GRAVEL ROOFING 2 & 3 Ply DIXIE Ready Roofings, Bargains. Happy Birthday to a wonderful, amazing, talented person and my dear friend 💜🎂🎈